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New work- August 2010
I haven't posted anything new lately but I hope this work will make up for the lack of any updates.
Feedback is much appreciated!
Feedback is much appreciated!
I've been playing around with some programs to try and make a progress that works to my sensibilities. The result is the use of three programs, culminating in this self portrait. Comments and critiques are much appreciated.
This Easter weekend I spent a day and a half working on this final self portrait painting. For now it stands as a work-in-progress and I've got a long way to go before I can "finish" this piece.
Originally, my concept was to do an indirect retake on the Uncle Sam poster (possibly to motivate myself creatively in times of being burnt out), but I ended up wanting to speak my thoughts on how breakfast is this important thing we all forget too often. And yes, that is milk I'm spilling.
Originally, my concept was to do an indirect retake on the Uncle Sam poster (possibly to motivate myself creatively in times of being burnt out), but I ended up wanting to speak my thoughts on how breakfast is this important thing we all forget too often. And yes, that is milk I'm spilling.
With the immense homework load, and just being on a deadline frenzy I've been working little-by-little on something just for fun.
I've always had an appreciation for Harley motorcycles, whether its distant or not is for you to judge. This is just a quick render I did and wasn't thinking so much of anything to accomplish in doing this.
I've always had an appreciation for Harley motorcycles, whether its distant or not is for you to judge. This is just a quick render I did and wasn't thinking so much of anything to accomplish in doing this.
I'm psychotic synchypnotic
Illustration for a computer assignment, to utilize an approach similar to Norman Rockwell using photo reference. I will post the reference in the following post but for now here's a teaser:
NEW STUFF (March 2010)

PIECE 2- This piece was originally taken from a sketchbook render I made with a pentel inkbrush. I was gathering mental images of a sabretooth skull and without reference and just for the fun of second-guessing, I designed a skull loosely based on said creature.
new work march 2010 (part 1)

I always appreciated an athlete's definition of intensity, be it a boxer, an mma fighter, etc. training in extreme conditions to bring your best moves to a match. The same can be said for artists- we all try to formulate or experiment approaches, concepts and ideas to see if we can evolve or bring a technique we weren't fond of using before. The mediums used in this piece are a combination of acrylic ink, white, sienna and black conte, red gouache and a slate grey pencil crayon.
More works to come! STAY TUNED.